Welcome to Motherboards 101: Take our fast course in shopping for the most critical component in your PC.

Your CPU and RAM give your PC power, your video card keeps it gaming late into the night, and that PC Ethernet jack is its lifeline to the world—but it's your PC's motherboard that brings everything together. When you want to buy a new one, whether as part of a full system upgrade or just to acquire some snazzy new jacks or abilities, the range of choices can be overwhelming.
The first step is figuring out the basics: What features do you need? And how much are you willing to spend? While we can't answer these questions for you, this guide will help demystify the myriad mysterious pieces of the misunderstood motherboard, and give you the tools you need to find the one best suited for you and your PC. Once you're up to speed, check out our top board recommendations, as well as "Surf Boards" (PDF chart) for a survey of some of the latest models on the market.
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